Seems to have been the big thing for years now, from the ham handed nerf gun flash mobs to the endless drivel of "experts" on how badass their katana skills are.
My name is Anders and I live in the north central coast of California. California is one of the most liberal gun and big dog un-friendly states in the union. With that as an index for what is "legal" I will help you survive the zombie apocalypse.
My mother was a organic hippy type, my father served in Viet Nam for almost a decade. Strangely, it worked until I was about ten. Using the skills I learned from them, and life experience after my bitter teen years, I will help you to understand what is REALLY required to survive in the zombie infested future.
I’m not going to blow sunshine up your ass and give you some half-baked opinion. My advice will be backed by science, personal experience and expert advice. I will try to qualify the latter as best I can.
Compare this to other organizations who claim to be zombie specialists, yet don't advocate the use of firearms, and tell you to “seek medical help” when needed. Tell you what, any dice geek who lives in a one bedroom apartment in SF trying to tell me how to survive using a bag of MREs and a pot metal katana is going to be on the other side of the wall in my world. That is unless he manages to miracle several hundred pounds of dried garbanzo beans out of his ass.
Sorry dude, that CRT negates the awesome of the chain mail.
This will be presented in no particular order, and I will post articles as they come to me. I will try to post the more critical, but also less obvious stuff first, you should know to be armed, you should know to have food, you should educate yourself on basic first aid. I’ll help supplement these fundamental concepts with ideas on how to make your go-bag lighter, your weapons more efficient, and give better ways to protect your cache.
That said, thank you for reading.
Be smart, and good luck.
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